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About Us

Beginning in 2018, Connecting East is a project aiming to improve mental wellbeing and reduce social isolation by connecting students from the three Campus East colleges (Constantine, Langwith, Goodricke) with one another through the local environment and community.


What do we do?

To help students get more involved with the Campus East community, we put on events related to the environment, sustainability, nature, wildlife, and photography. Some of our past events include wildlife and bat-walks, gardening club, local litter picks, photography workshops and competitions, as well as documentary nights and the occasional workshop.

Our Achievements

At the start of 2019 we received funding from YuFund and set objectives for ourselves to hit. Here are some of the things we've achieved since starting the project in 2018:

  • Organised wildlife and bat walks led by St Nicks on Campus East.

  • Developed raised beds in Constantine, Langwith and Goodricke.​

  • Provided support for campus biodiversity through habitat creation, and the building of bird, bat and hedgehog boxes.

  • Led a very successful photography competition two-years running!

  • Reduced the amount of litter on our campus and in the local community area through local litter picks.

  • Set up a student committee so that students can have the opportunity to lead on the planning and running of events.

  • Planted fruit trees to grow on our wonderful campus.

  • Started our weekly blog where we put fun recipes and articles around sustainable topics.

Meet The Committee


Bethany Bradford

Constantine College Tutor


Beatrice Trascau

Goodricke College Tutor


Rosie Evans

Langwith College Tutor


Hattie Jones

Student Leader


Vrinda Bajaj

Student Leader


Elizabeth Bowater

Student Leader


Stephanie Haruna

Student Leader

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Jenny Reece

Student Leader

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