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Be Fashionable & Sustainable: Beating Fast Fashion in York

It’s no secret that fast fashion is one of the biggest contributing detrimental factors to our environment, and is in fact the fourth-largest environmentally damaging factors in the UK after housing, transport, and food. You’ve probably seen a lot online already about the detrimental impact fast fashion has not only on the environment, but also it’s massive contribution to the exploitation of workers. In this article we explore why fast fashion is bad, how you can be both sustainable and fashionable, and the best vintage shops to browse through here in York!

What is 'fast fashion'?

Years ago, clothing shops used to release new designs at most four times a year (to match the four fashion trend seasons). These days, clothing shops tend to release new clothes at least a couple times a month in order to keep up with current trends and maximise on profit. Brands that partake in fast fashion include Primark, Topshop, H&M, New Look, and many, many more shops found on the highstreet. Understandably, as companies they want to make as much profit as possible, but at what cost?

How does this damage the environment?

Large companies partaking in fast fashion massively contributes to a throwaway culture - one which encourages the over-consumption and excessive production of short-lived or disposable items over durable goods that can be repaired. The result of this? An immense amount of unsold clothes ending up in landfills, and barely-worn outfits being chucked out instead of being repaired or recycled. This throwaway culture is not only evident in our clothing habits, but also in the amount of plastic we dispose of after one use as a global community, and electronic devices we don’t recycle correctly.

How can you tackle fast fashion right here in York?

There are plenty of ways for you to be both sustainable and fashionable here in York, even when living on a tight student budget! Holes in your socks or a tear in a t-shirt? Invest in a sewing kit instead of chucking your clothes out. Looking for something new and trendy for your wardrobe? Buy second-hand first! On top of the many charity shops in York, we’ve put together a list of vintage and ethical shops for you:

Dog & Bone Vintage - With two floors entirely dedicated to vintage fashion, Dog & Bone Vintage is one of the must places to go when seeking out vintage shops. With ranges from every piece of clothing imaginable, you’re bound to fall in love with a new outfit here.

Expressions Clothing - Are you a fan of vintage and retro clothes, AND American sports teams? Then you’re in luck! Expressions Clothing stock an amazing range of vintage clothes, including jerseys from various American sporting teams (including NFL, MLB, NFA and NHL). Check out the rail at the front of the shop that sells jerseys for £10 a piece!

● Vintage Vera - This is a pop-up vintage fair which makes its way to campus a few times a year in James College on Campus West. Make sure to pop down and snag up a kilo of vintage goods for only £15! The fair also occasionally houses itself in The Barbican, where there is a lot more to pick from.

Depop - The fashion marketplace app where you can list all of your old clothes you’re looking to sell, and even snag up some sweet deals from someone else recycling their clothes. Available on both apple store and google store, you’re missing out on great opportunities if you don’t have this app downloaded!

● Online Swap Shops - There are many groups online dedicated to buying and selling used clothing in York, as well as other personal items! You can find groups on Facebook entirely dedicated to York students looking to recycle textbooks, clothes, kitchen equipment, bedroom furniture, etc. Sometimes societies on campus or businesses/venues across York hold their own swap shops, so keep your eyes peeled throughout the year for those!

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