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Connecting East: An Update

Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Competition entry for this year, taken by Ching-Yu Chang

Hey everybody, we hope that you are all doing well and staying safe. As with everything else, COVID-19 has disrupted the way in which we can provide our services to you. Unfortunately we can’t host any events for you this term, which is massively disappointing as there were some fun ideas in the works! However we don’t want that to stop us from staying engaged with you, so this blog is just an update on we’re going to carry forward this term with the photography competition, the blog, and events.

Best wishes from the Connecting East committee!

Photography Competition

We received over 150 entries for the photography competition, and although the pandemic has stopped our plans for an awards ceremony, we’re still going on with choosing the winners! We will be sending out an email to all the entrants this week to give an update on when we’re aiming to announce the winners, and we’re working on an alternative to our awards ceremony night and possibly having an online gallery. Prizes will be sent out as soon as the College Teams are allowed to work back on campus.

A winner from last year’s competition, taken by Mark Beech

Weekly Blog Posts & Recipes

We’re going to carry on updating our blog twice a week, starting from this week until the end of term. The articles are going to revolve around ways you can be sustainable and take care of your well-being while at home, and of course our weekly recipes for you to try out. If you would like to contribute to the blog, be it with some photos, a recipe or you want to try writing out an article yourself, then contact us at — the more the merrier!

One of our upcoming recipes, Cinnamon French Toast

Online Activities

There are still ways we can host events online, and we’re currently working through ideas on what we can do for you, whether it be a Netflix party night or an online quiz! Please keep your eyes peeled on our blog and Facebook page for more information. We’re very welcome to ideas, so give us an email at if you have a fun idea of how we can hold an event online!

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