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Introducing Connecting East 2020/21

Photo of Campus East taken by Tom Emmerson

Hello and welcome to the University of York! Amidst the chaos otherwise known as Freshers Week, we thought we’d take the time to introduce ourselves and some of the events we have planned for this year.

Who are we and what do we do?

Beginning in 2018, Connecting East is a project designed to improve mental wellbeing and reduce social isolation of students by connecting the Campus East colleges (Constantine, Langwith, Goodricke) with one another through the local environment and community! To help students get more involved with the Campus East community, we put on events related to the environment, sustainability, nature, wildlife, and photography. Some of our past events include wildlife and bat-walks, gardening club, local litter picks, photography workshops and competitions, as well as documentary nights and the occasional workshop.

What can you look forward to this year?

Although most of our plans aren’t yet finalised, and we’re still playing by the ear in terms of social distancing, we do have some pretty exciting things lined up for you to get involved with this year! These are including but not limited to:

◾ A photography competition that celebrates the environment and wildlife that we share Campus East with. There will be the opportunity to win up to £100 in Amazon vouchers, and hopefully we’ll have an awards night to celebrate all the entries. You can find the previous winners and entries to our competitions here.

◾ Free environmental workshops as part of our gardening club! Previous workshops have included a homemade pesto workshop, planting herbs in recycled glass jars to grow in your room, making bird feeders from plastic bottles and seed mix, and photography workshops.

◾ Photography workshops! If social distancing is permitting, we want to put on some free photography workshops to show you how you can get the best nature photos out of your smartphones. Hopefully you’ll take some photos you want to enter into our competition!

◾ Our blogs where we upload a new fun recipe and articles around sustainable topics every week. Fancy trying your hand at writing? Get in touch with us at if you want to have a go at writing a blog for us!

A winner of our 2019/20 photography competition, photo taken by Alex Bytheway

Stay up to date with our social media!

Keep up with all of our plans and blogs by following us on social media. You can find out more about Connecting East and how to get involved with us over on our website. We hope that you’re excited for the fun year ahead of you and we look forward to seeing you at some of our events, online or otherwise!

A winner of our 2019/20 photography competition, photo taken by Jonny Wang

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