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Make Green Resolutions in 2020!

Thinking about what resolutions to make for the start of 2020? This year, make a resolution that will help you live a sustainable lifestyle and leave a positive impact on the environment. We’ve put together some examples of green resolutions and how you can take them on. Follow the link at the bottom of the blog and let us know what green resolution you are pledging to do in 2020!

Pledge to:

Cut down on meat consumption or try a vegetarian diet. Livestock farming has a great negative impact on our environment, and so by cutting down on your meat consumption you can help reduce the impact of livestock farming. There are super easy ways to do this, such as swapping beef for chicken and having a few days a week where you don’t eat meat at all. Want a bit of a challenge? Sign up to take part of Veganuary this January!

Stop using plastic straws in bars and restaurants. If you like to drink through a straw while on a night out, invest in an eco-friendly replacement straw! Search the internet for some bamboo or metal straws, and keep them in your bag while out and about.

Take part in sustainable forms of travelling. Give up the car or the bus by choosing to bike or cycle to your destinations. Not only will you be making a positive impact on the environment, the exercise will make you feel better both physically and mentally.

Use reusable shopping bags. If you don’t already, get rid of the habit of buying plastic shopping bags and invest in an eco-friendly shopping bag. You’ll be helping the environment and saving yourself a little bit of cash.

Buy second-hand first. Wanting something new for your wardrobe? Take a look around the many charity shops we have here in York first. Check out this blog post we wrote on some of the great vintage and charity shops in York.

Buy a reusable water bottle. Reduce the amount of plastic wasted this year by investing in your own reusable water bottle. You’ll save money by no longer buying bottled water, and you get to choose a bottle that fits your own style (we recommend Chilly’s bottles!)

Hang your laundry to dry. It’s not a lie that circuit laundry is a massive let down when it comes to drying your clothes. Stop wasting your money on the machines and invest in a clothes airer to pop up in your room! You can buy one for pretty cheap at Argos.

Buy reusable batteries. If you find you go through a lot of batteries in the year that last for only a short time, then maybe you should invest in rechargeable batteries. It’s pretty cost-effective and you’ll be getting more for your money!

Pledge now: Let us know what green resolution you will be making for 2020 by clicking this link.

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