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Recipe: Baked Chocolate Bananas

Looking for an easy late night snack to keep you going through your late nighter? Try out this simple recipe for Baked Chocolate Bananas! You can also make these by grilling them on the coals of a BBQ 🍫🤤

Full disclaimer: This recipe is not our own, it was taken from The Hungry Student: Vegetarian Cookbook written by Charlotte Pike, page 206. It is a must-buy recommendation!!





• 2 large bananas, skin on

• 6 squares of chocolate (either milk or dark chocolate, or vegan alternatives)


1. Preheat the oven to 150°C Fan/Gas Mark 2.

2. Keeping the skin on, take your bananas and cut a deep slit length-ways down each one. Place the squares of chocolate in the slit. Wrap tightly in foil and place in an ovenproof dish, keeping the side with the chocolate facing upwards.

3. Bake the bananas for around 20-30 minutes until very soft and the chocolate is melted. Don’t worry if the skin turns black, this is normal!

4. Unwrap and eat immediately with a spoon.

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