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Recipe: Mediterranean Vegetable Calzone

Try your hand at making your own folded pizza with the recipe for Mediterranean Vegetable Calzone! You can either make one big calzone or plenty snack size versions 🍕

Full disclaimer: This recipe is not our own, it was taken from The Hungry Student: Vegetarian Cookbook written by Charlotte Pike, page 218. It is a must-buy recommendation!!





For the dough:

200g strong white bread, plus extra for dusting

tsp fast-action dried yeast

¼ tsp sugar

• 125ml warm water

• 2 tsp olive oil

For the filling:

• 3 tbsp tomato purée or homemade tomato sauce

• 3-4 tbsp roasted vegetables

• 70g mozzarella cheese torn into pieces

• Large baking sheet


1. Sift the flour and salt through a sieve into a large mixing bowl and add the yeast and sugar. Add the warm water (it should be body temperature) and 1 teaspoon of the oil and mix until the ingredients come together into a sticky dough.

2. Turn out the dough onto a floured work surface and knead gently for a couple of minutes until the dough starts to feel smoother.

3. Place the dough back into the bowl, cover with cling film and a clean tea towel and leave in a warm place to rise for an hour. This can be near a warm oven or in the sunlight by a window. The dough should almost double in size.

4. Preheat the oven to 220°C Fan/Gas Mark 9. Grease a large baking sheet lightly with the remaining 1 teaspoon of oil.

5. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface again and knead gently for around 5 minutes until it feels smooth, elastic and less sticky. Shape the dough into a circle as thick or thin as you like.

6. Transfer the dough to the baking sheet and cover with tomato purée or sauce, leaving a 3cm margin around the edge of the dough. Place the vegetables and cheese in the middle.

7. Dip your finger into a cup of cold water and dab it lightly all around the edge of the calzone. Fold it in half to form a half moon shape. Crimp the edges to seal the calzone.

8. Bake for 15 minutes, then slide the calzone off the baking sheet onto the oven shelf and bake for another 2-3 minutes until golden and crispy.

9. Serve immediately. Any leftovers are great cold for a packed lunch the next day!


Note: this recipe serves 1-2 people.

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