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Recipe: Stuffed Peppers with Pesto Rice

Looking for a new quick and easy meal to have for lunch? Try this fun recipe for stuffed peppers with pesto rice! You can even use our recipe for homemade basil recipe that we posted last week.

Full disclaimer: This recipe is not our own, it was taken from The Hungry Student: Vegetarian Cookbook written by Charlotte Pike, page 91. It is a must-buy recommendation!!





2 peppers, halved and deseeded

90g cold cooked rice (or 50g uncooked rice)

1 tbsp basil pesto

2 spring onions, finely chopped

40g cheese, such as vegetarian Parmesan or mature Cheddar, grated

Non-sticking baking sheet


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Lay the prepared pepper halves on a non-stick baking sheet.

3. If using uncooked rice, place in a large saucepan with boiling water and salt, bring to boil, cover and cook for the time stated on the packet. Drain well once cooked.

4. When the rice is cooked, stir in the pesto and spring onions. Mix until the pesto is evenly distributed through the rice.

5. Spoon the rice into the peppers. Top with cheese and bake for 20–30 minutes until the peppers are soft and the cheese is melted and bubbling.

Note: This recipe should be enough to serve 2.

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